Saturday, October 11, 2008

He is brilliant!

Banksy did it again! Freaking brilliance. His first ever NYC show is called Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill in a tiny storefront (less than 300 square feet). Everything can be seen by the public from the street. No graffiti. No paintings. He uses animatronics to create the wow factor.

Breaded fish sticks swim in fish bowls. Hot dogs live in cages under heat lamps. Chicken (nuggets) eat McBBQ sauce. A rabbit puts on make up.

“New Yorkers don’t care about art, they care about pets. So I’m exhibiting them instead. I wanted to make art that questioned our relationship with animals and the ethics and sustainability of factory farming, but it ended up as chicken nuggets singing. I took all the money I made exploiting an animal in my last show and used it to fund a new show about the exploitation of animals. If its art and you can see it from the street, I guess it could still be considered street art."- Banksy

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Coconut Bliss and other moments of joy

Highlights from today:

- Sitting in the dark back rows at church so I can be fidgety and not bug people.
- Getting my car washed while I'm in church. We are so spoiled in this freaking country.
- My caterpillar friend outside the front door that is now in a cocoon. Yay for b-flies!
- The strangers that I tried to give a ride to, but wouldn't get in my car.
- The power nap that made everything better.
- Feeling the crisp air on my face on my walk to the co-op. Fall is near. Hurray!
- The guy singing at the top of his lungs on his bicycle. OB rocks.
- Discovering AMAZING non-dairy ice cream made with coconut milk. Come to mama...

I heart Sundays.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Retail Therapy

(art by Banksy)

Did I write a blog about this yet? If I didn't then I certainly meant to. We live in a consumerist society makes me want to gag and I am as much a part of it as the next guy.

I met someone who said they gave up buying anything new for a year. They were on the last couple months of the year and said it had changed them. They, of course, could buy food and toiletries, but everything had to be a necessity. Otherwise, things should be borrowed, bartered or bought used. This challenged me.

I started researching the concept and found a ton of blogs, a lot of commentary and a new passion. I am making some changes in my life to think before I spend, to make do, and to create. I think that we live in such a fruitful country that so many of us forget the difference between want and need. I don't wish to straddle that line any longer. May He be glorified through our sacrifice, not by our consuming.

Letting it all hang out

Last weekend I had a chance to let it alllll hang out, so I had some friends over on Saturday to do just that.

We made art. We got messy. We unfolded. We spilled our hearts, emotions and creative juices all over the yard as we worked in the sun, sipping sangria and sharing laughs. It was a beautiful day of connecting and releasing. I believe God was glorified.

I'm so thankful for days like that. I'm thankful for days when my home is full of people that I can feed and take care of, people that are free to put their feet up and express themselves without constraint. I'm thankful for the days when I can draw closer to the Lord with paint under my fingernails and gesso in my hair. I'm thankful for the days when I can look across the table at 10 amazing people and remember how blessed I am to have community.

I'm feel like, even though this week was just as stressful and heavy as the last, I could breathe a little easier. I feel lighter. And for that I am just really thankful.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

ponder this

Where have all the real men gone?

Top American columnist Kathleen Parker is causing a furore with her new book Save the Males, in which she argues that feminism has neutered men and deprived them of their noble, protective role in society

I know. Saving the males is an unlikely vocation for a 21st-century woman. Most men don't know they need saving; most women consider the idea absurd. When I tell my women friends that I want to save the males, they look at me as if noticing for the first time that I am insane. Then they say something like: "Are you out of your mind? This is still a male-dominated world. It's women who need saving. Screw the men!"

Actually, that's a direct quote. The reality is that men already have been screwed – and not in the way they prefer. For the past 30 years or so, males have been under siege by a culture that too often embraces the notion that men are to blame for all of life's ills. Males as a group – not random men – are bad by virtue of their DNA.

While women have been cast as victims, martyrs, mystics or saints, men have quietly retreated into their caves, the better to muffle emotions that fluctuate between hilarity (are these bitches crazy or what?) and rage (yes, they are and they've got our kids).
Related Links

* Hurray, men are being heard at last


* Alpha Mummy: 'Fathers active in parenting that doesn't involve football? What sissies!'

In the process of fashioning a more female-friendly world, we have created a culture that is hostile towards males, contemptuous of masculinity and cynical about the delightful differences that make men irresistible, especially when something goes bump in the night.

In popular culture, rare is the man portrayed as wise, strong and noble. In film and music, men are variously portrayed as dolts, bullies, brutes, deadbeats, rapists, sexual predators and wife-beaters. Even otherwise easy-going family men in sitcoms are invariably cast as, at best, bumbling, dim-witted fools. One would assume from most depictions that the smart, decent man who cares about his family and pats the neighbour's dog is the exception rather than the rule.

I am frankly an unlikely champion of males and that most hackneyed cliché of our times – "traditional family values". Or rather, I'm an expert on family in the same way that the captain of the Titanic was an expert on maritime navigation.

Looking back affectionately, I like to think of home as our own little Baghdad. The bunker-buster was my mother's death when she was 31 and I was three, whereupon my father became a serial husband, launching into the holy state of matrimony four more times throughout my childhood and early adulthood. We were dysfunctional before dysfunctional was cool.

Going against trends of the day, I was mostly an only child raised by a single father through all but one of my teen years, with mother figures in various cameo roles. I got a close-up glimpse of how the sexes trouble and fail each other and in the process developed great em-pathy for both, but especially for men.

Although my father could be difficult – I wasn't blinded by his considerable charms – I also could see his struggle and the sorrows he suffered, especially after mother No 2 left with his youngest daughter, my little sister.

From this broad, experiential education in the ways of men and women, I reached a helpful conclusion that seems to have escaped notice by some of my fellow sisters: men are human beings, too.

Lest anyone infer that my defence of men is driven by antipathy towards women, let me take a moment to point out that I liked and/or loved all my mothers. In fact, I'm still close to all my father's wives except the last, who is just a few years older than me and who is apparently afraid that if we make eye contact, I'll want the silver. (I do.)

My further education in matters male transpired in the course of raising three boys, my own and two stepsons. As a result of my total immersion in male-dom, I've been cursed with guy vision – and it's not looking so good out there.

At the same time that men have been ridiculed, the importance of fatherhood has been diminished, along with other traditionally male roles of father, protector and provider, which are increasingly viewed as regressive manifestations of an outmoded patriarchy.

The exemplar of the modern male is the hairless, metrosexualised man and decorator boys who turn heter-osexual slobs into perfumed ponies. All of which is fine as long as we can dwell happily in the Kingdom of Starbucks, munching our biscotti and debating whether nature or nurture determines gender identity. But in the dangerous world in which we really live, it might be nice to have a few guys around who aren't trying to juggle pedicures and highlights.

Men have been domesticated to within an inch of their lives, attending Lamaze classes, counting contractions, bottling expressed breast milk for midnight feedings – I expect men to start lactating before I finish this sentence – yet they are treated most unfairly in the areas of reproduction and parenting.

Legally, women hold the cards. If a woman gets pregnant, she can abort – even without her husband's consent. If she chooses to have the child, she gets a baby and the man gets an invoice. Unarguably, a man should support his offspring, but by that same logic shouldn't he have a say in whether his child is born or aborted?

Granted, many men are all too grateful for women to handle the collateral damage of poorly planned romantic interludes, but that doesn't negate the fact that many men are hurt by the presumption that their vote is irrelevant in childbearing decisions.

NOTHING quite says "Men need not apply" like a phial of mail-order sperm Continued on page 2 Continued from page 1 and a turkey-baster. In the high-tech nursery of sperm donation and self-insemination – and in the absence of shame attached to unwed motherhood – babies can now be custom-ordered without the muss and fuss of human intimacy.

It's not fashionable to question women's decisions, especially when it comes to childbearing, but the shame attached to unwed motherhood did serve a useful purpose once upon a time. While we have happily retired the word "bastard" and the attendant emotional pain for mother and child, acceptance of childbearing outside marriage represents not just a huge shift in attitudes but, potentially, a restructuring of the future human family.

By elevating single motherhood from an unfortunate consequence of poor planning to a sophisticated act of self-fulfilment, we have helped to fashion a world in which fathers are not just scarce but in which men are also superfluous.

Lots of women can, do and always will raise children without fathers, whether out of necessity, tragedy or other circumstance. But that fact can't logically be construed to mean that children don't need a father. The fact that some children manage with just one parent is no more an endorsement of single parenthood than driving with a flat tyre is an argument for three-wheeled cars.

For most of recorded history, human society has regarded the family, consisting of a child's biological mother and father, to be the best arrangement for the child's wellbeing and the loss of a parent to be the single greatest threat to that wellbeing. There's bound to be a reason for this beyond the need for man to drag his woman around by her chignon.

Sperm-donor children are a relatively new addition to the human community and they bring new stories to the campfire. I interviewed several adults who are the products of sperm donation. Some were born to married but infertile couples. Others were born to single mothers. Some reported well-adjusted childhoods; some reported conflicting feelings of love and loss.

Overall, a common thread emerged that should put to rest any notion that fathers are not needed: even the happiest donor children expressed a profound need to know who their father is, to know that other part of themselves.

Tom Ellis, a mathematics doctoral student at Cambridge University, learnt at 21 that he and his brother were both donor-conceived. Their parents told them on the advice of a family therapist as their marriage unravelled.

At first Tom did not react, but months later he hit a wall of emotional devastation. He says he became numb, anxious and scared. He began a search for his biological father, a search that has become a crusade for identity common among sperm-donor children.

"It's absolutely necessary that I find out who he is to have a normal existence as a human being. That's not negotiable in any way," Tom said. "It would be nice if he wanted to meet me, but that would be something I want rather than something needed."

Tom is convinced that the need to know one's biological father is profound and that it is also every child's right. What is clear from conversations with donor-conceived children is that a father is neither an abstract idea nor is he interchangeable with a mother.

As Tom put it: "There's a mystery about oneself." Knowing one's father is apparently crucial to that mystery.

Something that's hard for many women to admit or understand is that after about the age of seven, boys prefer the company of men. A woman could know the secret code to Aladdin's cave and it would be less interesting to a boy than a man talking about dirt. That is because a woman is perceived as just another mother, while a man is Man.

From their mothers, boys basically want to hear variations on two phrases: "I love you" and "Do you want those fried or scrambled?" I learnt this in no uncertain terms when I was a Cub Scout leader, which mysteriously seems to have prompted my son's decision to abandon Scouting for ever.

My co-Akela (Cub Scout for wolf leader) was Dr Judy Sullivan – friend, fellow mother and clinical psychologist. Imagine the boys' excitement when they learnt who would be leading them in guy pursuits: a reporter and a shrink – two intense, overachieving, helicopter mothers of only boys. Shouldn't there be a law against this?

We had our boys' best interests at heart, of course, and did our utmost to be good den mothers. But seven-year-old boys are not interested in making lanterns from coffee tins. They want to shoot bows and arrows, preferably at one another, chop wood with stone-hewn axes and sink canoes, preferably while in them.

At the end of a school day, during which they have been steeped in oestrogen by women teachers and told how many "bad choices" they've made, boys are ready to make some really bad choices. They do not want to sit quietly and listen to yet more women speak soothingly of important things.

Here's how one memorable meeting began. "Boys, thank you for taking your seats and being quiet while we explain our women's history month project," said Akela Sullivan in her calmest psychotherapist voice. The response to Akela Sullivan's entreaty sounded something like the Zulu nation psyching up for the Brits.

I tried a different, somewhat more masculine approach: "Boys, get in here, sit down and shut up. Now!" And lo, they did get in there. And they did sit. And they did shut up. One boy stargazed into my face and stage-whispered: "I wish you were my mother."

Akela Sullivan and I put our heads together, epiphanised in unison and decided that we would recruit transients from the homeless shelter if necessary to give these boys what they wanted and needed – men.

As luck would have it, a Cub Scout's father was semi-retired or between jobs or something – we didn't ask – and could attend the meetings. He didn't have to do a thing. He just had to be there and respire testosterone vapours into the atmosphere.

His presence shifted the tectonic plates and changed the angle of the Earth on its axis. Our boys were at his command, ready to disarm landmines, to sink enemy ships – or even to sit quietly for the sake of the unit if he of the gravelly voice and sandpaper face wished it so. I suspect they would have found coffee tins brilliantly useful as lanterns if he had suggested as much.

But, of course, boys don't stay Cub Scouts for long. We've managed over the past 20 years or so to create a new generation of child-men, perpetual adolescents who see no point in growing up. By indulging every appetite instead of recognising the importance of self-control and commitment, we've ratified the id.

Our society's young men encounter little resistance against continuing to celebrate juvenile pursuits, losing themselves in video games and mindless, "guy-oriented" TV fare – and casual sex.

The casual sex culture prevalent on university campuses – and even in schools – has produced fresh vocabulary to accommodate new ways of relating: "friends with benefits" and "booty call".

FWB I get, but "booty call"? I had to ask a young friend, who explained: "Oh, that's when a guy calls you up and just needs you to come over and have sex with him and then go home."

Why, I asked, would a girl do such a thing? Why would she service a man for nothing – no relationship, no affection, no emotional intimacy?

She pointed out that, well, they are friends. With benefits! But no obligations! Cool. When I persisted in demanding an answer to "why", she finally shrugged and said: "I have no idea. It's dumb."

Guys also have no idea why a girl would do that, but they're not complaining – even if they're not enjoying themselves that much, either.

Miriam Grossman, a university psychiatrist, wrote Unprotected, a book about the consequences of casual sex among students. She has treated thousands of young men and women suffering a range of physical and emotional problems related to sex, which she blames on sex education of recent years that treats sex as though it were divorced from emotional attachment and as if men and women were the same. Grossman asserts that there are a lot more victims of the hookup (casual sex) culture than of date rape.

Casual sex, besides being emotionally unrewarding, can become physically boring. Once sex is stripped of meaning, it becomes merely a mechanical exercise. Since the hookup generation is also the porn generation, many have taken their performance cues from porn flicks that are anything but sensual or caring.

Boys today are marinating in pornography and they'll soon be having casual sex with our daughters. According to a study by the National Foundation for Educational Research issued in 2005, 12% of British males aged 13-18 avail themselves of "adult-only" websites; and American research findings are similar. The actual numbers are likely to be much higher, given the amount of porn spam that finds its way into electronic mailboxes. If the rising generation of young men have trouble viewing the opposite sex as anything but an object for sexual gratification, we can't pretend not to understand why.

The biggest problem for both sexes – beyond the epidemic of sexually transmitted disease – is that casual sex is essentially an adversarial enterprise that pits men and women against each other. Some young women, now fully as sexually aggressive as men, have taken "liberation" to another level by acting as badly as the worst guy.

Carol Platt Liebau, the author of Prude, another book on the havoc that pervasive sex has on young people, says that when girls begin behaving more coarsely so, too, do boys.

"And now, because so many young girls have been told that it's 'empowering' to pursue boys aggressively, there's no longer any need for boys to 'woo' girls – or even to commit to a date," she told me. "The girls are available [in every sense of the word] and the boys know it."

Men, meanwhile, have feelings. Although they're uncomfortable sorting through them – and generally won't if no one insists – I've listened to enough of them to know that our hypersexualised world has left many feeling limp and vacant.

Our cultural assumption that men only want sex has been as damaging to them as to the women they target. Here is how a recent graduate summed it up to me: "Hooking up is great, but at some point you get tired of everything meaning nothing."

Ultimately, what our oversexualised, pornified culture reveals is that we think very little of our male family members. Undergirding the culture that feminism has helped to craft is a presumption that men are without honour and integrity. What we offer men is cheap, dirty, sleazy, manipulative sensation. What we expect from them is boorish, simian behaviour that ratifies the antimale sentiment that runs through the culture.

Surely our boys – and our girls – deserve better.

As long as men feel marginalised by the women whose favours and approval they seek; as long as they are alienated from their children and treated as criminals by family courts; as long as they are disrespected by a culture that no longer values masculinity tied to honour; and as long as boys are bereft of strong fathers and our young men and women wage sexual war, then we risk cultural suicide.

In the coming years we will need men who are not confused about their responsibilities. We need boys who have acquired the virtues of honour, courage, valour and loyalty. We need women willing to let men be men – and boys be boys. And we need young men and women who will commit and marry and raise children in stable homes.

Unprogressive though it sounds, the world in which we live requires no less.

Saving the males – engaging their nobility and recognising their unique strengths – will ultimately benefit women and children, too. Fewer will live in poverty; fewer boys will fail in schools and wind up in jail; fewer girls will get pregnant or suffer emotional damage from too early sex with uncaring boys. Fewer young men and women will suffer loneliness and loss because they've grown up in a climate of sexual hostility that casts the opposite sex as either villain or victim.

Then again, maybe I'm completely wrong. Maybe males don't need saving and women are never happier or more liberated than when dancing with a stripper pole. Maybe women should man the barricades and men should warm the milk. Maybe men are not necessary and women can manage just fine without them. Maybe human nature has been nurtured into submission and males and females are completely interchangeable.

But I don't think so. When women say, "No, honey, you stay in bed. I'll go see what that noise is" – I'll reconsider.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

following up

i am tired and don't have it in me to say much, but in regards to the "love the one you're with" post, i finally made sense of it. as en vogue once sang, "free your mind and the rest will follow." translation: just love. period. night y'all.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Love the one you're with??

This is so much easier said than done. Is it even the right thing to do? I am really confused about this one right now. How can you really fully love when your heart is in torn between two different places? What does that even look like in regards to the gospel? I am chewing on this a lot and perhaps I should just let God work it out instead of trying to figure it all out myself. Either way, this song is in my head and won't leave.

Please note

He took a 6 hour break and is back at the organ again. Maybe I should buy a black dress.

I'm so excited. I just can't hide it...

I've had a suprise party a couple times. I hated it because I figured it out before it happened. SOMEONE always ruins the freaking surprise.

P.S. I actually went to a surprise party last weekend for my buddy, VJ. He actually was surprised. It rocked.

ER gets deep

I keep forgetting to post this. A friend passed it on and I think it's AMAZING that this was written into an episode of ER.

I certainly have some thoughts on this, but I'd like to hear what YOU have to say.

I am trapped at a funeral

Or maybe an old school wedding.

Whatever the case, my neighbor has this habit of playing the organ. Yes, the ORGAN.

Late at night.

God help us all.

I have to go to sleep now, to dream of caskets and droopy flowers.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I had a talk with a friend tonight who was frustrated with someone else. I often find myself in this situation, too. I get super annoyed by someone and want to change them instead of letting God change my own heart towards that person.

My goal is that I will question my own intentions, eventually questioning why they are the way they are. It's usually a combination of insecurity, pride, or that they are just broken inside. We all struggle with the same things, just in different forms.

When I finally get to the point where I get a glimpse as to why they might be that way, God fills my heart with love and compassion. I want to love on them, pray for them, encourage them. He is working on this is me and it reminded me of something I wrote a while back. It's still my heart.

eve speaks

Five year olds are sippin on Diet Cokes

While jr. high girls stick fingers down their throats-

Competing to be the first to choke.

The streets are full of Barbies looking for a Ken

Cuz society says we need attention from men.

Meanwhile housewives are hoppin the fence

Since the grass is greener on the other side.

And the rest of us are just as dense,

Saying, tan fat is better than white fat, as we all get fried.

Eve stares into her mirror,

Wondering if its from a fun house.

Shes overcome with fear.

Walls talk like on Pee Wees Playhouse.

Why is it all so distorted?

Eves realistic image has been aborted.

She says:

If my life is a circus,

I must be a freak show.

Im trying to live like Barbie,

But my plastic legs just wont go.

You talk behind her back,

But she hears- cut her some slack!

Eve sings:

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

Cuz Ive already thought of them.

My Lord sees Eve as a bouquet,

But she just sees a broken stem.

Hold up. Wait a second. Can I get a heeeeeeeeey?!

Hay is for horses, but Eve thinks shes a cow.

Wondering whats going on now?

Eve is an octagon trying to fit into a square.

She compares herself to other girls,

Thinking she doesnt have a prayer.

The radio is telling her to shake, shake, shake it.

Ads pressure her to fake bake bake it.

Get a corporate job, or shell never make make make it.

And if she doesnt give it up, hes still going to take take take it.

Like wool over her eyes,

Eve believes the lies.

Cuz Satans always down to manipulate.

Anything so we cant concentrate.

And what do we do as women?

We perpetuate the lies.

Were all in some sort of bondage,

But were tightening each others ties.

Its time all us Eves digest our food

And instead regurgitate the lies.

It doesnt depend on your mood.

The Lord hears your cries.

When Eve sees a beast God sees a beauty.

We were created in Christs image.

Loving him is a blessing, not a duty.

Eve sees herself as one thing,

God sees another.

Shes a daughter of the King,

So are you, your sister and your mother.

Have you read the Bible?

Seen the passion?

Ladies, living for God

Never goes out of fashion.

Talk to Him, He understands.

Dont believe me?

Check out His nail pierced hands.

Is your worth based on others approval?

Sure you can live like that.

Youd be a fool, though.

Jesus was rejected by men.

His own Father created them.

But He sacrificed His life and Hed do it again.

Want to talk about love?

Read Corinthians.

In 2nd grade some kid Eve fat.

25 years later shes still stuck on that.

Family, friends, ministry & work.

Shes bummed when she cant do it all.

Shes living on Red Bull & going beserk.

But being Superwomen was never her call.

Believe those lies & youre bound to fall.

Let me break it down for you:

We all see ourselves in some sort of view,

Often based on remarks made by a few.

And how we view God can affect us, too.

These are lies and then theres Truth.

And wait- Ive got proof:

John 8:32, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Isnt that what we all want to be?

Tonight were talking about self-image.

And serving you is our privilege.

Ladies, as Eves we crave unity

And tonight I will fight for each of us to be free.

The question is: will you join me?

I must say, before I leave,

Dear Beloveds, welcome to Analyzing Eve.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What are your greatest strengths and your greatest weaknesses?

Is that not your favorite question during an interview? I mean, really? What's a good answer?

Anywho, in the randomness that is my mind I just made a list of things I need to improve upon. It started from a list of things I need to do, but keep putting off and procrastinating, and evolved into another list.

From this list, this strange little list, I discovered somethings about myself. I guess they were already things I knew, but still it's a good reminder.

My procrastination list showed me that:

1. I am in semi-denial about being a people pleaser. I don't want to do things simply for the approval of man, but I don't want to hurt them either. Where is the balance in that? Do I go to make them happy or do I decline to stand my ground? What is the right decision?

2. I am lazy and impatient when it comes to measuring things. I hate hanging pictures. I hate lining my dresser drawers. A million years ago I had to measure the streets of Golden Hill to figure out the number of potential new parking spots for the city's Urban Planning Dept. Guess what? I hated it. Perhaps I was beat with a ruler or a measuring tape as a child. Perhaps it's a rebellion against rules and regulations. That must be it. Stick it to the man, I say!

3. I question other people's motives and intentions before I question my own. Please hold while I pull the plank out of my eye.

4. I am paralyzed in fear by things that are not scary in reality at all. Sometimes I just have to get off my ass to see that it's just the man behind the curtain, not a big scary monster. Damn that little guy.

5. I am my own worst enemy. I keep myself from doing what God has called me to do. I stand in the way of being loved, of accepting grace, of choosing freedom.

Sometimes lists are good. What to do with them now is the question. My natural instinct is to shove it under the rug, but that's the old me. Maybe I should go measure something.


I just puked up a huge confession to a friend. I basically just shared all of my fears and struggles (or at least the conscious ones.) It was almost like I needed to confess it to my friend to be able to confess it to God. I needed help getting to the throne.

Sometimes the most freeing thing in the world is to voice your sins and fears and struggles. It makes them real for a second and it's scary as shit. And then comes the gift of repentance, which I so do not deserve. There truly is nothing like it. I still can't fully get a handle on God's grace; it just blows me away.

Another moment of awe.... I pray they never cease.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

choose your own adventure

Remember those books? I looooved them. I would check out every single one at the library and rush through them just so I could go back and reread every option and end up with a different outcome.

More and more I feel like I am living one of those stories. I am at a point where I am questioning my decisions, where I am and what I am focusing on. I am mentally going back to the last point and imagining the outcome if I made a different decision.

This isn't a matter of regret or discontent. It's a throwback to my childhood, a game utilizing my imagination, a pondering of "what ifs". I look back on certain people or situations in my life and now am so glad I ended up on THIS adventure. I can look back and figure out what the outcome would have been had I chose differently. Some of the outcomes are sad, some are frightful and others entice me.

What held me back from the other adventures? Oh, lots of things. Mostly myself, but definitely a combo of fear, uncertainty and protection from God. Sometimes it was simply God using my fear of the uncertainty to protect me... as weird as that may sound.

I guess this is what happens as you approach the big 3-0. I look at where I am in life and wonder what would have been otherwise- if I had moved to Berkeley at 17, if I had let myself fall in love with him, if I had taken that job in NY, if if if if....

There are so many ways this story can go. So many outcomes still to be eliminated. I am just really glad to be on this adventure. Did I really choose it? Nah, but I am thankful for it. It's my story. It's full of a lot of comedy and a bit of tragedy, but it's mine. Turn the page please.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Journals: I Get Around

Totally guilty. I am guilty of being a journal starter, not a journal finisher. You see, I'll get on a writing kick- whether it be prose, random thoughts, rants or prayers, I'll go off for a while. Then nothing.

Nothing is worse than starting to write again in an old journal. I hate it. So, I start a new one. I love the feeling of hope and of the unknown when you have all of those blank pages in front of you. I make myself promise that I will follow through and be consistent... and so the cycle continues.

Blogging is so the stress free version of journaling. There are no blank pages waiting and staring at me in anticipation. There is no guilt, no running out of ink and no crossing out thoughts. I own it here. I own my thoughts whatever they may be.

So here I am.... Hello, my name is Brooke and I am a blogger.

Eww... that sounds so gross, but like I said, I will own my thoughts and not delete. Blech.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


the taller i get... or maybe it's older... the more tolerant i become of people who believe things outside of my morals, values and my faith... but the less tolerant i become of the people who share them. this puzzles me. i mean, i am pleased with the former, but disappointed in the latter. maybe it's because i hold them to a higher level of accountability. maybe it's because i am just an impatient, unfair little bastard. i'm not sure. i just know that my heart needs to change, so I am counting on God to soften it.

The Work Life/ Personal Life balance

Anyone have it figured out? If so, please let me know....

I almost always find myself in this situation, no matter what the job. I struggle to maintain my identity as something separate from what I do. It does not define me. It's a part of my life. Yet when I spend so much of my time doing something that I am passionate about, it's hard to not let it mesh into other areas of my life. How do people do that, especially when a large part of it is creative work? I need to work on compartmentalizing things like boys do. Or maybe I am supposed to be like this. I don't know. It's 2:32 am. Maybe I should just go doorbell ditching or something to get my mind off it. Good mooooooooorning, neighbors!

Seriously though, folks. Words of wisdom and words of wit welcome.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MTV: Then and Now

Cheesy, but hopeful... If only they knew that they'd stop running music videos and only show people who would do anything to get on tv, aka reality shows.

Seriously, did it have to come to this? This video made me laugh and creeped me out at the same time. Let's just say this dude is lurpy.

Who's the Advetising Genius?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Revenge of the little people

Why didn't I know this girl when I was 4? She could have saved my dad millions of quarters. - Watch more free videos

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lessons from New York

Life over the last few months+ has been a little crazy. Between balancing growing work responsibilities with caring for Mom after her transplant and everything else life throws at you, there has been little time left to nurture relationships, let alone care for myself. It was such a joy to actively love my family, but I was a little bit on the frazzled side. Let's face it- I've been a basket case.

Fast forward to last week. I was in NYC for a week and a half doing PR & trade show stuff. The long hours on our feet and late late night dinners with the team amounted to a strong desire for some solo time. So, after the show, I took a couple of days to play in the city all by my lonesome. I tend to be an extroverted loner, an independent gal who loves to party with the people... as long as I get some peace. This was my chance for quiet in the chaos of the city.

Soooo I did what I love to do- found some hole in the wall foodie joints, did the museum thang, spent time just being in the park. I even stood in the rain in a sea of strangers, getting soaked as we watched the fireworks on the Fourth of July. Something about being anonymous was thrilling. It was like I was keeping a secret and nobody knew. I didn't do what I normally do- talk to strangers and make new friends/ freak people out. Keeping to yourself may sound normal for a lot of people, but I suppose I am just built differently. It's more "normal" for me to strike up a random conversation than not, but for some reason I held back. Now I realize that it might have been a part of this lesson I ended up learning.

You see, for so long I have wanted to have a NY residential adventure. Whether it's for 6 months or 3 years, I just REALLY wanted to live there. Maybe it's the spell that the city puts on people, but having only lived in San Diego, I yearned to move somewhere alone. As a result of this trip, something changed.

It wasn't a bad trip at all. In fact, it was great. I enjoyed some much needed down time and walked off every last latte, but I also walked off discontentment I may have had. I gained a whole new appreciation for the life I have here in San Diego. Not only did I miss the home I have cultivated over the years, but also the people that fill it as guests at dinner parties, friends turned roomies or when they simply stop by for some couch time. I missed the people that just feeeeel like home. It wasn't that I was homesick or over the traveling. I wasn't lonely or sad. I just realized, "Wow, I am so blessed and somehow I am silly enough to forget that."

I saw a movie one night and almost everyone in the theater was alone. Now, I am all for watching movies or going to dinner solo and all that jazz. It's liberating, but this was something else. I realized how, in such a populated place, so many people are walking through life alone. And then it clicked- I don't have to do that. True, as life changes and everyone grows up (except me), our friendships change. They don't die, they just change. I realize many of the people closest to me are on their honeymoons, perhaps on baby #2 or have even ABANDONED ME and moved away (Chidge, Ilulu, Shawmama & Bastard Boy- I am SO calling you out!) Our friendships can't be exactly the same, but they are still amazingly beautiful and important. Same, but different ;)

I can always count on my friends, but there is a point where I will need a partner to walk through life with. At 28 years young, I finally have come to understand the main purpose of a husband. Call me slow, but now I get it. We need someone to champion for us. We need someone to pick us up when we fall, to call us out, to correct and teach us, to love us the way we have been called to love. It's only natural to want to care for others, to be both their cheerleader and nurturer.

I don't know why God used this trip to NY to remind me of what I have. Maybe it's because I needed an ass whooping. Maybe it's because it points me back to His grace. Maybe it's because it was time to learn to love MY city on a new level. Whatever the case, I am so happy to be home. I am happy, more than anything, to have people that I call home, no matter where we are logistically. We could stand in a crowded room of "friends," but there are only some that I would want to wipe my tears, to share my fears and my deepest joys. If you are reading this, you are probably one of those people. Or just a stranger who randomly found this weird blog. If you are the latter, I apologize for the grammar that will not be corrected. If you are the former, thank you. Seriously.

So, grab the Kleenex for the tears and perhaps a box of Depends for the laughs. Like it or not, we are in this one for the long haul.

aka b. lo, jamming b-funk feldman, brookie cookie wookie woman and other slightly embarrassing nicknames

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I might as well wear a uniform...

because I am conforming yet again. Yep, it's a blog, people. I am such a freaking sheep....

So, here's the deal. I need to write like I need to breathe. Ok, not that badly, but it's kinda up there. So do I do it? No. I suffocate myself. I don't let myself write or paint or sing. Ok, the last one is for good reason, but you know what I mean. There are things I need to do to be this person that I am. I need to write. I need to make. If we were created in the image of a creative God I am not being myself by not creating.

That said, this blog is an exercise in living. Will it be filled with life changing thoughts and witty monologues? Not likely. Rather, you should expect lots of run on sentences, typos and brutally honest (and at times embarrassing) thoughts. Hold me accountable if you will, but I am not expecting anyone to read this. More than anything, it's a way to remind myself that I must write- something, ANYthing- even if it's just jotting down the weird (always weird) dreams I had the night before.

I don't remember the dreams I had last night, but I do remember one I had long ago as a child. It's the reason for this blog, in a way. It's the purple car with wings. I had this vision of the exact hue, the angles, the structure. I can even hear the vague hum of the engine. I had no doubt as a kid that it would be my first car. (Let's just say the barely running VW was a bit of a downer.) The weird thing is that I still don't doubt I will own that car in my lifetime. Almost every time I am stuck in traffic I think about that car. I could just pull the lever and the wings would come out and I could soar over the other dumb cars. Oh, the freedom.

The point is this- I don't want to give up on my purple car with wings. I don't just want a purple car. I want one with wings. A cross between Barney purple and magenta, it's not exactly lovely, but it's a symbol of hope for me. It's a symbol of passion. I want to live my life like that car is coming. I want to live out my dreams and see them through. I don't want the child in me to die. I just want her to keep hoping and marking her height in pencil as she grows.

So, here's to conforming with the grown ups when it makes sense and not letting go of the little girl you really are.... To holding out for purple cars with wings and writing about the break downs on the way.


I know someone out there wants to make a Britney reference and I won't stop you. Oh, the cheese!