Sunday, July 20, 2008

What are your greatest strengths and your greatest weaknesses?

Is that not your favorite question during an interview? I mean, really? What's a good answer?

Anywho, in the randomness that is my mind I just made a list of things I need to improve upon. It started from a list of things I need to do, but keep putting off and procrastinating, and evolved into another list.

From this list, this strange little list, I discovered somethings about myself. I guess they were already things I knew, but still it's a good reminder.

My procrastination list showed me that:

1. I am in semi-denial about being a people pleaser. I don't want to do things simply for the approval of man, but I don't want to hurt them either. Where is the balance in that? Do I go to make them happy or do I decline to stand my ground? What is the right decision?

2. I am lazy and impatient when it comes to measuring things. I hate hanging pictures. I hate lining my dresser drawers. A million years ago I had to measure the streets of Golden Hill to figure out the number of potential new parking spots for the city's Urban Planning Dept. Guess what? I hated it. Perhaps I was beat with a ruler or a measuring tape as a child. Perhaps it's a rebellion against rules and regulations. That must be it. Stick it to the man, I say!

3. I question other people's motives and intentions before I question my own. Please hold while I pull the plank out of my eye.

4. I am paralyzed in fear by things that are not scary in reality at all. Sometimes I just have to get off my ass to see that it's just the man behind the curtain, not a big scary monster. Damn that little guy.

5. I am my own worst enemy. I keep myself from doing what God has called me to do. I stand in the way of being loved, of accepting grace, of choosing freedom.

Sometimes lists are good. What to do with them now is the question. My natural instinct is to shove it under the rug, but that's the old me. Maybe I should go measure something.

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