Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Retail Therapy

(art by Banksy)

Did I write a blog about this yet? If I didn't then I certainly meant to. We live in a consumerist society makes me want to gag and I am as much a part of it as the next guy.

I met someone who said they gave up buying anything new for a year. They were on the last couple months of the year and said it had changed them. They, of course, could buy food and toiletries, but everything had to be a necessity. Otherwise, things should be borrowed, bartered or bought used. This challenged me.

I started researching the concept and found a ton of blogs, a lot of commentary and a new passion. I am making some changes in my life to think before I spend, to make do, and to create. I think that we live in such a fruitful country that so many of us forget the difference between want and need. I don't wish to straddle that line any longer. May He be glorified through our sacrifice, not by our consuming.

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